Heating repairs are never fun to make because there are usually unexpected costs that you’re not planning for. But some heating repairs can be so expensive that they don’t even make sense to spend money on. The question is, how do you know how much is too much when it comes to a heating repair? When you need heating repair in Buford, GA, give our team a call.
We can schedule a service appointment to assess your repair needs. In the meantime, you can keep reading to learn more about repair costs and when a heating repair may be too expensive. We’re also highlighting some tips for how you can maintain your manufacturer’s warranty so that when repair needs do arise, your manufacturer’s warranty will be active and can cover some of those costs.
How Much is Too Much?
There are a variety of guidelines out there for how to know when heating repairs are too expensive. The idea behind these guidelines is that you don’t want to invest in pricey repairs if your heater is already older or if problems are so significant that costs for repairs are near the same cost of replacing your heater entirely.
The rule that we like to recommend you follow is that you never spend more than 50% of the cost of a brand new heater on any repair bill. If you’re making frequent repairs to your heater, you could add up several repair bills to reach that 50% number and justify investing in a new unit. When you spend thousands of dollars on repairs for a heater that is already older, you run the risk of not getting your money’s worth out of those repairs. For more insight into recognizing when a heater may be nearing its end, explore our post on failing heating system symptoms.
Another factor to consider is the age of your heating system. If your heater is nearing the end of its expected lifespan, typically around 15-20 years for most models, it may not be worth investing in costly repairs. Older systems are also less energy-efficient, meaning you could save on utility bills by upgrading to a new, more efficient model.
Usually, when a repair bill costs that much, the problem inside of your heater is very significant. It may make more sense to replace your older heater with a newer model and invest that money in peace of mind in knowing that you have a brand new heater with a long lifespan ahead of it.
When to Make Repairs
It makes sense to invest in repairs for your heater when costs are low. Repairs that cost a few hundred dollars are not that much in the grand scheme of things. If a repair keeps your heater running and gets you more years of life out of the system, we encourage you to make those less expensive repairs. For guidance on handling specific issues like ignition problems, read our guide on furnace ignition issues.
It’s also important to make minor repairs when your manufacturer’s warranty is still active – usually up until the 10-year mark. This is because as repairs get to be persistent or grow in cost, your manufacturer’s warranty can kick in and begin to cover those expenses.
Beyond manufacturer warranties, some homeowners might also have extended warranties or home warranty plans. These can provide additional coverage for repair costs, especially for major components like the heat exchanger or blower motor. Reviewing your warranty options can help reduce out-of-pocket expenses for necessary repairs.
Tips for Maintaining Your Manufacturer’s Warranty
But it is important to keep in mind that your manufacturer’s warranty can be voided if you don’t take the proper steps. As a homeowner, you have a responsibility to complete monthly homeowner maintenance steps like changing out the air filter on time and paying attention to the signs that something is going wrong with your heater.
You also have to schedule annual maintenance with a certified HVAC technician as a part of maintaining your manufacturer’s warranty. Doing this helps ensure that smaller problems that are easily fixable don’t get out of hand. Skipping out on professional maintenance each year for your heater. Will avoid your manufacturer’s warranty. For more on the importance of maintenance, see our post on routine heating maintenance.
Your Comfort Is OUR Business. Contact the team at Snellville Heating today to schedule an appointment for heating repairs.