Snellville Heating, Air and Plumbing Blog: Archive for March, 2022

It’s Officially Spring—Time for Regular AC Maintenance

Monday, March 21st, 2022

air-conditioner-with-maintenance-toolsThis week, we officially welcome spring. That doesn’t mean we welcome spring weather permanently since early spring often has temper tantrums with abrupt cold snaps. But spring does mark an important shift in our homes and how we think about them for the coming middle of the year. For HVAC professionals, this is the season when we help our customers with the important job of routine air conditioning maintenance inspections and tune-ups.

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With Spring Approaching, Make Sure Your Sump Pump Is Working

Monday, March 7th, 2022

sump-pumpMost people connect springtime with good feelings: warmer weather and blooming plants. But spring has some downsides as well, such as allergies and all that spring cleaning. One concern during spring is potential flooding. Spring can bring with it intense storms, and snowmelt can also lead to flood conditions. 

If your home has had trouble with flooding in the basement or crawl space before, then you probably have a sump pump installed to help out. (If you dont, it’s definitely time to get one!) Before the spring weather arrives and brings the threat of flooding with it, we recommend you do several checks on your sump pump to see that it’s ready to do its job if it needs to. You hope it won’t need to, but a preventive device isn’t much good if it won’t actually work when it’s required.

We’ll go over what you can do to check on your sump pump.

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